Agricultural photography of gray metal stairs Tags: architectural design architecture building ceiling contemporary design futuristic Glass glass items glass windows indoors inside lights low angle shot modern stairs steel steps urban white windows M Martin Péchy | 6 images Download 813 viewsLike it? 2Say thanks Crediting isn’t required, but is appreciated and allows photographers to gain exposure. Copy the text below.Photo by Martin Péchy on CopyAdvertising Related Images DDazzle Jam 868 4 DDominika Roseclay 905 2 aandres chaparro 969 2 EEVG photos 857 4 ffotografierende 2.15K 2 IIvandrei Pretorius 1.26K 0 DMDmitry Zvolskiy, Maria Lindsey 1.06K 4 JJoshua Teichroew 1.08K 4 BBenjamin Suter 2.04K 1 JJanson K. 839 3 BBenjamin Suter 949 0 AAndrea Davis 2.66K 17 LLina Kivaka 998 2 MMachol Butler 1.26K 3 MMisael Garcia 1K 3